
POSTPONED: 2nd Annual shOUT Coalition Summit
Join us to explore what children and youth need to be sexually healthy adults, why guardians and communities are reluctant to meet those needs, and how we can use collective impact to meet those competing needs.

shOUT at the 2024 STRONG ACC Regional Symposium
Join shOUT Coalition members Cindi Huss (RISE: Healthy for Life), Caitlin Talley and Mandy Boy (YWCA of NETN/SWVA). and Jess Harmon (Ballad Health’s Department of Population Health) for an interactive presentation titled, “If only I had known…” The session, scheduled on Thursday Sept. 5 from 10-11:15 a.m., takes place in Ballroom A at the Meadowview Conference Center in Kingsport, TN.

2024 shOUT Summit Planning Meeting
Next 2024 shOUT Summit Planning Meeting is April 8, 2024, at 3 p.m. on Zoom. Register at

Youth Rights Roundtable
Join us for a conversation among young adults as we explore the needs youth have compared to the education and access they get to sexual and reproductive health education, care, and resources. Registration is required.

shOUT Roundtable Planning Meeting
Planning meeting March 13, 11:30-12:30. Register here.

2024 shOUT Summit Planning Meeting
Nest 2024 shOUT Summit Planning Meeting is March 11, 2024, 4-5 p.m. on Zoom—please register to attend.

shOUT Roundtable Planning Meeting
Basically a roundtable is just a moderated conversation with stakeholders. In case you haven’t seen it, shOUT hosted our first roundtable, “Religion, Spirituality, and Sexual Health,” in August. You can view it on YouTube.
We would like to host further roundtables, perhaps including events with medical and mental health professionals, with youth, and with guardians. If you know people who know people, this might be a great match for you! This doesn’t require a lot of time, but it is definitely easier to organize with a few poeple on board.
This meeting will take place on Zoom, so wherever you are in the Appalachian Highlands we look forward to seeing you!
Please register in advance for this meeting.

shOUT Summit 2024 Planning Meeting
The 2023 Summit was a success and garnered lots of wonderfully positive feedback. The results we shared and the barriers to health we all identified are being used by several organizations in the area to inform their work. And we want to ensure we continue to positively affect youth sexual health. If you love it when a plan comes together, this is a great match for you—and we have a roadmap from last year’s Summit to help us out!
This planning meeting will take place on Zoom, so wherever you are in the Appalachian Highlands, we hope to see you there!
Register to receive the Zoom link.

shOUT General Membership Meeting
Join us for a general membership meeting to chart the future of the Appalachian Highlands shOUT Coalition. We look forward to celebrating what we’ve done so far, hearing your ideas, and making connections around our region. Pregistration is required.

Sex Education Facilitator Training Jan 23-24
This training will enable facilitators to provide Stellar Sex Ed to middle- and high-school youth and adults AND to "stellarize" other curricula so it is more affirming and trauma-informed while adhering to local and state restrictions.
Preregistration required.
Facilitator training will cover curriculum content as well as facilitation best practices and tips for making any sex ed more accessible to all neurotypes, genders, colors, abilities, and orientations. Electronic access to the curriculum is included for trainees who complete the course successfully.

Religion, Spirituality, and Sexual Health Roundtable
Join us for a conversation among clergy, people of faith, and sexual health educators as we explore the tensions and compatibility between faith and sexual health.

Healthy Youth to Healthy Adults Summit: Charting a New Path
Join us for a summit that builds skills, forges community connections, and introduces new ways of thinking about adolescent health.