Join shOUT Coalition members Cindi Huss (RISE: Healthy for Life), Caitlin Talley and Mandy Boy (YWCA of NETN/SWVA). and Jess Harmon (Ballad Health’s Department of Population Health) for an interactive presentation titled, “If only I had known…” The session, scheduled on Thursday Sept. 5 from 10-11:15 a.m., takes place in Ballroom A at the Meadowview Conference Center in Kingsport.
This discussion-based session allows participants to explore how we can improve access to sexual and reproductive health education and care for youth in the Appalachian Highlands of NE Tennessee and SW Virginia. Facilitators will set the scene with the state of sex ed in VA and TN and what approaches have been shown to improve public health. Participants will reflect on how access (or lack of access) to accurate information affected them as children, young adults, askable adults, and professionals. Finally, the group will consider how cross-sector efforts (including collective impact) can positively affect public health in our region.
RISE: Healthy for Life transforms culture around bodies and beings from fear-based to fact based, oppression to affirmation. RISE champions and provides resonsibole, inclusive, trauma-responsive sexualtiy education in the greater Tri-Cities area of Northeast Tennessee.
The YWCA of Northeast TN/Southwet VA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. Their key areas of focus Include affordable childcare and after-school enrichment, racial justice, support for teen parents, and strengthening family bonds.
Ballad’s Department of Population Health implements and evaluates health improvement programming throughout the Ballad Health service area.
The shOUT Coalition is a collective impact initiative that centers youth needs around sexual and reproductive health and education in the Appalachian Highlands of Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. shOUT centers youth voices and best practices and envisions a future where young people in Appalachia are heard, respected, and have all the information and support they need to lead whole, healthy lives. The shOUT Coalition holds virtual roundtables, speaks in the region, and holds an annual cross-sector summit. These efforts are all aimed at creating systems-level change in our region